Violoncello Piccolo Project

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Piccolo Cello Essentially Complete

Remembering it is a “Mock-up”

This is not a cello I have built from raw wood. It was an inexpensive, small Romanian Cello I salvaged years ago (I had forgotten that it was Romanian… I thought it was Chinese) and for which I had never found a buyer. Currently, there is someone interested in a handmade five-string cello, and leaning toward the piccolo model, as that is the traditional size from the time of J.S. Bach. But there is no standard size of which I am aware, so I removed the neck of the little old cheap cello and made a 5-string neck and scroll with which to replace the old neck.

Here is the result:


Piccolo Front
Piccolo Front


Piccolo Bass Side
Piccolo Bass Side


Piccolo Back
Piccolo Back


Back of Scroll
Back of Scroll


Front of Scroll
Front of Scroll


It plays fairly well, for what it is. I have a difficult time becoming accustomed to the sound of the High E string in a cello, but I can see the value for certain applications, as it would effectively eliminate “thumb-position” in a lot of pieces.

If a person wanted a full-size five-string cello, or a 3/4- size, a 7/8-size, or what have you, I can make those, too.

I see that Helicore is now providing a five-string set for a full-size cello, so I may have to try one, just to see how the new strings sound.  🙂

Thanks for looking.

6 Replies to “Violoncello Piccolo Project”

  1. Chet, this cello looks beautiful! I especially like the unusual Ipe wood used for the fingerboard, nut and tailpiece. I wish I lived closer and was able to try it out! Congratulations on a beautiful project!

    Jeff Marshall

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