If you are interested in walking through the building of a commissioned five-string fiddle, read on! Here is a photo-essay, pretty much step-by-step, showing how I build an instrument.
The “steps” are much the same, regardless of the particular instrument. However, for a cello, for instance, it takes me about three times as long as to build a violin. Basses are an even bigger job!
At any rate, here is the first such book, and, if I write another, I will post it here, as well. (I do have other books, already, but not about five-string fiddles.)
Building an Oliver Five String Fiddle
My first book on lutherie was a compilation of a series of web log posts, chronicling the building of a commissioned five-string fiddle. I offered it for years as a free .pdf download, but it did not work well on phones, or other small screens as the text was too small to read. So, I have revised and re-formatted the book as an electronic form, and am releasing it as a Kindle book. I hope to offer an online series of lutherie lessons later, in keeping with this style

Thanks for looking.